VAT registration

Registration for VAT in Bulgaria and in EU

You may start trading but you cannot charge or claim VAT unless you are VAT registered. You can register as a VAT taxpayer at the same time as you establish your business, or later. You can register for VAT as soon as you start making purchases for the purposes of your VAT liable operations. If your business is established in another EU Member State or non-EU country (USA, Canada, Russia for example), and deliver goods or services to EU, you can optimize your income with VAT registration. Please note that you may be required by the law to become registered for VAT in EU. We can support and assist you in the registration process and to become your local tax representative. As your tax representative we will look after all your EU VAT/tax affairs from registration to dealing with the VAT inspectors. This service will be particularly attractive to other EU Member States and Russian/US businesses wishing to sell goods and services electronically  without having an establishment in the EU (distance sales).


Note for non-EU business

With your Bulgarian VAT registration you may deliver your goods to any other European Member State.


We can offer you the following options:



Please note that we are part of the largest European network of TAX and VAT compliance consultants. We are working with very experienced TAX lawyers, consultants and experts in each European Member State. 

For more information about the obligations after the VAT registration check our VAT Compliance
